Why register my air receiver with Worksafe WA?
Your air receiver is a pressure vessel. In Western Australia, according to the Work Health & Safety (General) Regulations 2022, a pressure vessel is considered an item of plant. If your air receiver is included in the WHS (Gen) Regs 2022 Schedule 5 Division 2 list of individual items of plant to be registered, then, to avoid penalties (Part 5.1 Div.7 r.224), it needs to be registered.
Why have my air receiver inspected?
As the owner of an item of plant identified above, inspections are carried out to satisfy:
- workplace safety requirements
- registration of plant requirements – satisfies the ‘Competent person’ component on the Worksafe WA Form 201 Registration of an item of plant application
How often is a vessel inspected?
According to the relevant standard, AS/NZS 3788:2006 Pressure equipment-In-service inspection, Table 4.1, the basic recommended inspection intervals are:
- External – every 2 years
- Internal – every 4 years
You should receive an inspection report after each inspection.
What is a Manufacturers Data Report, or MDR?
The Manufacturers Data Report, or MDR, is a vessel specific document supplied with the vessel at time of purchase. The MDR provides information on the manufacture, commissioning & operating parameters of the vessel. Information from the MDR is used in the registration of the vessel and the document forms part of the information to be kept on file by the owner of an item of plant.
What is the Evidence of Registration Certificate?
The Evidence of Registration Certificate is the record of registration document that Worksafe WA will send to you once your air receiver is registered. Worksafe WA state; The Evidence shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place on or near the Plant.
What to do with these documents?
Start a registered plant file under the serial number of the vessel. We recommend laminating a copy of the Registration Certificate for display on, or near, the vessel. The original certificate is then filed with the pressure vessel inspection reports and MDR.
More questions?
Simply call or email Compressed Air Installations WA. Phone 08 9303 9553. Email: